Homework: 3D animated short film, by Naolito
The Short Film
'Homework' is a 3D-animated short film, based on Nacho Arjona's original idea. It is a funny and emotive story about a pencil, an eraser and other popular school supplies that live in a regular school. Together, they will explore the school building and they will live amazing adventures. While they all want to have fun, they’re all very different, so they’ll need to learn how to work together.
"Homework" is a 3D animated short film that follows the imaginative adventures of a pencil and its friends, using their unique abilities to help each other in unexpected situations. When Eraser sees the rest of his friends having fun, he decides he also wants to be part of it, and while his intentions are the best, approach to art will cause an uproar that they haven’t experienced before. Pencil is used to be the most popular kid in the group, so someone else messing with art is not very welcome.
The consecuences of everyone’s actions will take them to unexpected places where they’ll face the danger of the unknown.
Production country: Spain
Production Year: 2024
Duration: 16' 07''
Genre: Animation
Format / Frame Rate: DCP - Digital / 24fps
Software: Blender
Aspect Ratio: 2,35:1
Audio: Stereo
V.O.: No dialogues
Putting our cute and well known characters in the spotlight, we've given meticulous attention to every aspect of the production, from the animation's fluidity to the unique visual style and immersive music, created using stationary elements as instruments. This offers a unique experience that evokes school memories.